About the Vital Edge

Over the next few decades, automation and artificial intelligence will continue to disrupt the service economy by allowing us to more efficiently serve ourselves. Automated self-service platforms, run by companies like Amazon, Google, and Facebook, are well on their way to transforming a segment of the economy that now accounts for 80 percent of jobs and GDP. The resulting disruption will change our understanding of work, our relationship with machines, and the future of intelligence itself.

All is not lost, however. The “code within the code” of these platforms optimizes them for control and wealth—and that coding has led to much disillusion with big tech. As a result, the disruptors have become vulnerable to disruption themselves. Self-service platforms rely on end-user data to fuel their machine learning. Change the terms of access to that data, and you change the power end users have over these platforms. Openness is a key element in disrupting the disruptors, and opening corporate data silos is just a start. Open standards and open-source software guard against monopolistic lock-in, as does the emerging decentralization of the blockchain.

Technologies by themselves are insufficient unless they are coupled with new principles for organizing humanity, however. This next wave of disruption will marry these technologies with stakeholder principles and mission-driven approaches to managing and governing a new generation of enterprises.  

Join Gideon Rosenblatt on this journey to transform technology into a disruptive force for good in the world.  

3 thoughts on “About the Vital Edge”

  1. I do not know what I am commenting. But sometimes after that when I see, in that mood, I would have commented something which I regret later. But Machine and human nature are entirely different but now they are fusing both making us more confused making us to work like machine and think like humans.

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