Gideon Rosenblatt

Gideon Rosenblatt writes about the relationship between technology and humans. He's learning to cover this topic from a mythic perspective. He writes to help his readers see the code behind the code in the planet’s next intelligence -- and the critical importance of the Human Soul in what comes next. Gideon ran an innovative social enterprise called Groundwire for nine years. He worked at Microsoft for ten years in marketing and product development, and created CarPoint, one of the world's first large-scale e-commerce websites in 1996. Fresh out of college, Gideon consulted for US companies in China. He received an MBA in marketing from Wharton. He lives in Seattle with the loves of his life -- his wife and two boys.

Organizational Evolution
People platform cooperating

This Is How We’ll Survive After Robots Have Taken Our Jobs

This article originally appeared in YES! Magazine and was then picked up this morning by AlterNet where it is now featured on the homepage. It’s about addressing the threat of technological unemployment (the large-scale loss of jobs to automation) by expanding who ‘owns the robots’ — i.e. who owns the companies that are doing the automating.

This Is How We’ll Survive After Robots Have Taken Our Jobs Read More »

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